Baby steps, but walking.
31/05/2016 Leave a Comment
It looks like that the starting of the week is turning into documentation for that previous week.
Honestly, that is not really a terrible thing because when I think about it, that is a pretty smart and smooth way to get back into the flow. That opposed to just jumping into code or design. At least having to write things up first, allows one a moment of retrospective with out having to get completely hard code.
Anyway, I was to start a few UML diagrams for the project. I have the core Use Cases diagram complete. I also have started some of the activity diagrams. However, most importantly I was always able to build a SoundFont Sample Bank to use as a sound source for SEAR-RL.
Now my long term goal is to build a project AudioUnit Synthesizer. However, after years of doing other projects I know that can be dangerous rabbit hole. Being a big fan of a prototyping, I know it is just better to get something that will work up and running quickly. So building a sample bank was the easiest way to go. Still, I promise the AU will happen.
Still I have to say I think I was smart about how I made the sample bank as well. I wrote a Python-3 script that uses SOX, to generate waveforms and a SFZ file, and then imported that into Polyphone to build the actual SoundBank.
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